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It is very tempting to play the lottery. Just last week, there was a lottery in my area that had a grand prize of $110 Million! What you could do with all that money. Unfortunately, the odds of winning that prize were 1 in 54.9 Million. In other words, you'd be more likely to get hit by lightning or die in a plane crash than win. So, it's really a sucker bet. But, still, it's fun to play.

Lots of people use "systems" to try to win. They use birthdays, or they keep track of which numbers have already been picked, or any of the other systems out there. Well, the bad news is, NONE of them work. There is NO way one can accurately predict which numbers will come up in a random drawing.

Let's look at the most common way to "predict" lottery numbers. This would be tracking. People have kept track of lottery numbers for years, trying to establish a "pattern." Either they are looking for which numbers come up more often, or which have been neglected. They use this information as a basis for the numbers they pick. This just doesn't work, though. With the number of balls in a state lottery (usually 40 - 45), there are just too many different combinations of numbers to be able to predict which will come up, based on past performance. Sure, the "law of averages" would say that the number 9 should come up soon, since it hasn't been picked for 6 months. However, you can't say when the 9 will come up. You will probably find that 10 to 12 of the numbers haven't been picked in some time. This is NOT a pattern, this is randomness. The other numbers will eventually be picked, but not all at once.

Playing by birthdays, addresses, or lucky numbers is the same. The idea is that if you always play the same numbers, they will eventually come up. In theory, this is true. You may have to wait a few hundred, or even thousand, years, though, because of the shear number of combinations possible. If you play the lottery consistently, you are bound to win SOMETHING, even if it's a little prize. This gives some people the misguided notion that their system works. Actually, they were just lucky. If you look at the statistics for those who win the lottery, you will find that most of them let the computer pick their numbers. They play randomly.

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I have always considered that learning any subject is really the learning of secrets. Well, they aren't REALLY secrets but they are rules that contain a main basis or subject. Consider spelling. To know the rule, 'I before E except after C' tells you how to spell more words than learning that ceiling is spelt as I have just spelt it.

Learning mail order is no different from learning any other subject. Certain rules or 'secrets' will bring you more success than experimenting your newest ideas. I am about to outline some of the secrets which, after many years in mail order, I have learn about advertising. I must point out though that these secrets will not really be known to you until you have actually PROVED them to be right for yourself.

1. One order from one small advert in a mail order magazine is about normal. Two is good and three is excellent. It isn't really the number of replies that is important so much sas what to do with the replies.

2. Never try to sell anything in a small advert in a mail order magazine for over Ј1. Anything advertisied for over Ј1 will normally (not always) receive no replies at all.

3. You will rarely ever make a profit from a small advert. It is the FOLLOW-UP that makes the profit.

4. Advertising something FREE will bring most replies but asking for one or two stamps will bring the best results. In my experience, I have proved that this is true no matter WHAT other articles may say.

5. Always give more than the customer actually expects to receive as this creates a good position to follow up from.

6. Try to make the wording of your advert leave the potential customer wanting to know more. e.g. The above title left YOU wanting to know 'The Ten Big Secrets' - didn't it?

7. Aim your advert to the reader. Readers of mail order magazines are mainly mail order dealers and NOT Opportunity Seekers although there may well be some others.

8. Always put a personal hand written letter in your follow-up unless of course your handwriting is on the down side.

9. I have never found that MORE words mean MORE success although more words can be used to advertise more than one thing which can bring in more money from the advert itself but it does not increase the overall number of replies.

10. Rules can be broken BUT it is a good idea to stick to rules in the main until you really know how to break them.

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They arrive in your mail - a conspicuous looking mail piece from some "official looking" bank claiming that you have been Pre-Approved for a Mastercard or VISA credit card. Of course, you don't have to have any credit. You can even have bad credit or have just filed bankruptcy or even be rated as a "slow payer." It doesn't matter because these companies want to give you a second chance! These companies want to make it easy for you to obtain a credit card because they only want your money!

How the thing works is that you must send $35 to receive an application that provides you with a name and address listing of banks willing to give you a VISA and/or Mastercard without any credit approval. That's a stiff price to pay for a sheet of paper, don't you think? The instructions that come with the application will let you know how the scheme works. You must open up a bank account with the bank once that bank approves you. Big deal! They make it appear that you have won some contest or something and people will feel "good inside" that someone has approved them.

But that's not all. The minimum amount you must deposit is $200 but you can deposit as much as you want. In return, you get a Mastercard or VISA credit card with a credit limit up to the amount you deposit. Wow! What a great honor! This is no break! Think about it. If a stranger gave you $200 to hold for him until Friday wouldn't you feel safe in granting them a $200 loan?
I mean _ it's their own money you've got. If they default, you've got the full amount to pay off the loan. It takes a twisted mind to take $200 from you, grant you $200 credit with your own money plus charge you astronomical interest rates just to take the money from your hand and give it back to you. That's insane!

Of course _ to combat this insanity, the great and wonderful banks claim to help fix your credit report. They say that if you maintain payments in acorrect fashion, this information will be reported to the credit bureau. Yea, right! When Shell calls the credit bureau to check your credit for a gas credit card, your report shows 47 defaulted loans and a bankruptcy. However, there is one company that you make payments to on-time. Big deal.

Don't you think the rest of your bad credit will still be the deciding factor in Shell's final decision. You bet you bottom dollar! Look at this: the bank makes money from the interest of your deposit. The bank also makes money by charging you 18% to 22% interest for the right to use their Mastercard or VISA. Plus the bank is guaranteed their money because if you don't pay on time, they take the money out of the bank account you opened with them along with any interest you have accumulated.

Why would anyone with $200 to deposit want a credit card with a $200 limit? If you have $200 and want to buy an item for $200 _ go out and purchase it. That way, you'll own it lock, stock and barrel. No interest, no payments, no hassle! Plus, you won't owe your soul to the company store _ sort-of-speak. Credit is a wonderful thing if you use it intelligently. I know people who
charge $100 at the beginning of the month and use that $100 to make $300.

It's free money for 30 days. Then, when the bill comes, they immediately pay the entire balance and come out smelling like a rose with $200 to the good. Credit is also needed in certain circumstances for establishing clout. You can't call in a telephone order unless you can charge the purchase to your credit card. This delays you getting items you want now. In fact _ some companies will try and make you feel "low class" if you don't own a credit card. I am proud to say that I DON'T OWN one.

When I'm in a store and they say "Would you like to put this on your charge?" I promptly say, "No, I pay for everything I buy!" They immediately shut up. And if they would snap back with a rude answer, I'd leave the stuff sitting on the counter, walk out of the store and get what I needed somewhere else. You don't have to take abuse just because you don't choose to line the pockets of the rich credit card companies! It's insane! If you've ever had a credit card and charged $200, you know you end up paying back $400 or more (unless you pay the balance within 30 days.) Stop allowing these so called banks to rip you off.

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Publishing and distributing a mail order ad sheet can be very profitable. They're simple and easy to produce with most quick print shops able to handle the printing at economical costs. The important thing is that you can use them to pull in advertising dollars for yourself, as a free advertising media for your own products, and as an exchange medium with which to get greater exposure for your own ads.

Before starting an ad sheet, you should plan it all out - come up with a title, decide upon a masthead, lay out your columns for size, decide whether it's to be a simple 8 1/2 by 11 single sheet of paper of an 11 by 17 sheet of paper folded in half, and you'll also need to know your production costs for the number you intend to have printed, and the postage costs to send them out.

Most ad sheets start out as single sheets of paper, 8 1/2 by 11, printed on both sides. Usually, the front side is divided into 3 equal columns about 2 1/4 inches wide with a half inch margin from the edge of the paper on both side as well as the top and bottom. Assuming that the space occupied by your title, masthead and listing of rates for advertisers interested in placing an ad in your publication is two inches deep, this leaves you about 24 inches of advertising space to sell on this front side.

Figuring a cost of $50 for 1,000 copies of such an ad sheet, printed on both sides; a third class bulk rate postage cost of ў10.9; this means that your 24 inches of ad space will have to be sold at a price of $6.25 each in order for you to break even on your costs. This means you've got to sell all of the ad space on the front of your ad sheet at $6.25 per ad - and then expect to make your profits from the sale of the backside of your ad sheet. Generally speaking, it would be more feasible to charge $7.00 per inch for the space on the front-side of your ad sheet, and carry your own full page advertisement on the backside. At any rate, don't box yourself into a "loss" situation where you can't afford to place ads of your own ad sheet.

You get ads by making up an advertising solicitation sales letter and sending it out to as many mail order dealers as you can find. You can also run ads in other people's publications inviting the readers to check with you relative to placing an ad in your publication. And of course, you'll be wanting to work out some exchange advertising deals - another publisher runs your ad in his publication and you run his in yours.

You probably won't be able to fill up all of your available ad space with paid ads until you're well established - but no problem - first you fill your ad space with paid ads, and then you fill in the empty space with ads of your own. Some beginning advertisers fill a part of their empty space with complimentary ads for other mail order operators, send them a copy of the issue in which the complimentary ad appears, and invite them to continue the ad on a "paid" basis from there. Many of the will appreciate the favor and send you a check or money order to continue running the ad.

If you undertake the publication of an ad sheet, be sure to consider the possibilities of sending out 100 to 1,000 copies of your ad sheet to other mail order operators to rubber stamp their names/addresses as co-publishers and mail out for you. Thus, if you had 50 other mail order operators sending out 100 copies each of your ad sheet, you'd be talking about a circulation of 5,000 copies plus the number of copies you mail out. If you can get this kind of program going, you'll quickly build your reputation as well as your circulation, and at the bottom line, your profits.

Some ad sheet publishers, once they've established themselves and are putting out an impressive publication, set up distributor networks. Generally, they run ads calling for distributor/dealers and asking for a $5 to $10 registration fee. In reply to the registration application, they send out a letter explaining that each distributor can buy at half price, so many copes of each issue of the ad sheet, rubber stamp their own name on each copy, and send them out as their own. In return, the distributors usually get 50% of the incoming advertising orders, a half-price ad for themselves, and an opportunity to sell publications.

The bottom line relative to becoming a successful ad sheet publisher has to do with keeping your production costs - printing and mailing - as low as possible, while putting out a quality product that other people in the mail order business will want to advertise in - while at the same time using it as an advertising/selling vehicle for your own products. My advise is that almost everyone involved in mail order selling should have some sort of ad sheet - if for no other reason than as a means to an end - an advertising vehicle for your own products, an extra income from advertising revenues, and as an exchange media with which to gain greater exposure for your own products in other people's publications.

Once you've got an ad sheet, or any kind of publication set up and being seen by other mail order operators, you'll quickly gain stature and a certain amount of prestige. As with any business, your ultimate success depends on your own feasibility studies, and your "sharp-pencil" planning completed before you order your first issue printed. Think about it, weigh the pro's and con's, then go with your decision.

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Over six years ago I wrote TWO reports. I am still selling those reports for Ј1 a time and have since written many more reports which I am also making a good profit on. 'One Page Reports' are so good because they are so easy to produce and are easily sold at well over TEN TIMES the cost of producing them. They are also a good introduction to selling large and more expensive items. Another attraction that they have is that they can be packaged together and sold as a 'package deal' thus giving a choice of a single sale or many sales together.

It is difficult to make advertising pay when you spend even as little as Ј2 on an advert if you then only receive one reply. It isn't until you realise the FULL potential of the one reply that you realise just how profits are made in mail order. Say, for example, we sell one report for just three postage stamps to pay for the product, further sales brochures to include with the report and what remains goes towards further advertising. We mail the product and, hopefully, the customer is pleased with what he or she receives. They look at the brochure and , if it is good, order more items. However, THIS time they may spend Ј5, Ј10 or even much more.

Now, we only need ONE reply in five at Ј10 a time to cover the cost of advertising FIVE times. Then the second order can go on to produce a third, fourth and even more orders. Each one of those orders is profit. So you can see that although it doesn't at first seem as if you are making money from advertising, it can really lead to quite big money on a fairly regular basis. Bigger orders can come from reports also. A batch of 30 reports with Reproduction Rights for just Ј10 sounds very good. You can list out the reports and sell them in batches of four for Ј1.50 or all 30 for Ј10. This will give you some small sales and also some bigger ones. If you do the photo copying yourself, or can get it done for 5p a sheet, it will only cost a maximum of 20p for four reports. Your profit is Ј1.30 on one set of four or Ј8.50 on all 30. To save postage, you can copy them double sided onto A4 size 100gsm paper which is slightly thicker.

If you have the facilities, you can sell them even cheaper and STILL make as much profit. Just reduce them to A5, put four on a double sided A4 sheet and sell all 30 for about Ј7. You'll get more sales and approximately Ј6.50 profit on each sale. If you make up a brochure to sell them, be sure to list ALL the names of the reports. It looks quite impressive. Having the brochure properly typeset and printed is very well worth considering as it really is your 'silent salesman'.
Of course you don't have to write your own reports as there are already many on sale with Reproduction Rights. However, if you do write your own, you can keep the copyright yourself and, like me, sell it for years.

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Many people have had opportunities presented to them where quick cash was necessary. Most eople are unable to take advantage of the great opportunities because of a lack of cash. A simple procedure is available whereby you can generate quick cash within 24 hours. The process is easy and quick but requires that you first make the preparation and lay the groundwork for the plan. You can call this plan the banking round robin.

Go to ten banks and tell the loan officer at each that you want to borrow $1000 for 30 days. Upon paying off your loans, wait 30 days and go back to each bank from which you borrowed the original $1000. This time request a larger amount depending on what you think the bank will loan, say $5000. If each bank approves a $5000 loan you will be able to raise $50,000 the second time. Continue this step-by-step process. Each time you go to the bank, ask for a larger amount and a longer pay-back period.

What you are doing, of course, is establishing a millionaires credit rating by the process of repetition. That is, you always pay back the money when it is due, and by being prompt combined with the number of loans you've made and PAID, you will have established a very powerful credit rating and relationship with the institutions. In about one year after using this process, you should be able to borrow $20,000 from each bank on your signature. Using ten banks in this plan, you will be able to borrow up to $200,000 on your signature in as little as 24 hours.

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Real Estate is one of the oldest forms of investing known to man. Real Estate investing is easy and fortunes are made in a simple manner. For example, and investor decides that a desert area will eventually become an industrial development. He purchases a number of acres at a very low price. If his guess turns out to be correct, ten years later he sells the land hundred times more than what he paid for it.This can happen in any part of the country and is not an exceptional case.

As the population keeps growing in the U.S., land prices continue to raise and it means that Real Estate will continue to offer one of the best investment opportunities in the country. Compared to most forms of investment, Real Estate offers greater profit potential. Of course, not every piece of land will turn out to be a winner, and despite the great potential rewards in some cases risks are involved, so the necessity of careful study before invest.

One of the problem of Real Estate is his lack of liquidity. Liquid assists are those easily converted into cash like stocks or bons. Most Real Estate investments take years before you can make some money, so it is not wise to tie up all your assets in this type of investment. Your financial situation will determine how much you can wisely invest in properties. There is a difference between a land speculator and an investor. A speculator buys land with the intention to make a quick sale and fast profits and will not hold land for a long period of time. An investor, on the other hand, looks for a long time gain, and usually buys only what he can afford to keep for an indefinite period of time.

If you are new at this field, it is wise to refrain from any a speculation until you become more informed, and you will have to devote considerable time to study and research. It is wise also to consult specialists before you act. Without realizing it, you already made a very successful investment in Real Estate if you bought your own home. Before you look for areas to invest, consider the condition of your own house. If you have any plan for selling it, good landscaping has been known to considerably increase the value of a home.

Large profits can be attained by purchasing run-down homes and restoring them for eventual selling, but some factors have to be considered:

* You must know something about architecture and remodeling and get and idea of how much it will cost to get the house back into shape. Consider what you will be able to do yourself and what it will cost you if you have to have it done.
* The location of the house is the most important factor to consider. Study the neighborhood, shopping, and transportation facilities.

It can also be profitable to lease land for commercial use. Land which borders highway is extremely valuable for purpose such as warehouse, gas station, etc. Land development companies frequently run advertisements offering country retreats. Be wary of these offers as they themselves make a large profit at the time they sell you the land, so it is much more profitable for you to buy your own.

When you buy property, buy at a price that involves a minimum financial risk. Invest only a modest amount of your own capital, when you sell, determine if a cash or installment sale is the best, based on your over-all income tax status. Learn by looking back on the mistakes made in the past and by reviewing the opportunities you have missed. Prepare a list of all properties available in your area and think up the best future use of the properties. Learn to purchase land before there is a demand. To buy land well in advance is the only economical way at today's prices. Then hold the property until you can resale for large profits. Don't sell all your desirable
properties and keep just lemons.

If you are willing to leave the cities, you should not have any trouble finding inexpensive land for sale. If you discover a tract of land appealing to you but not listed for sale, contact the Country Register's Office and he will tell you who is the owner. Get in touch with him and he could be willing to sell. As a rule purchasing tracts of land within thirty miles from a growing city is often a sound investment. Deal only with qualified realtors. Be careful of individuals who offer quick profits.

Before taking any action, study what has been written about the subject. Know why you should and should not buy. Stay conventional and don't buy white elephants. Look for hidden defects and make the property attractive before offering it for resale. Study local conditions and be sure it is practical.

Constantly look for bargains and quality properties with exceptional features that will make the sale easier. Follow up on For Sale signs, make inquiries. When discouraging elements occur, minimize your losses by whatever means available. Don't throw away money on repairs for poorly located property or in an area of surplus rental units. Before you attempt to sell, find out how the prospect can use the property profitably. Ask yourself if you would purchase it if you were in the prospect's shoes. Ask yourself if the future use will fit any of the many types of specific businesses. Can a hospital, a bank, an apartment complex, condominium or professional
building be located on the property.

Learn to analyze the pros and cons of a real estate problem. Break it down into its various elements. Know if the answers you come up with are satisfactory and practical. Try different approaches to the problem. You are necessary looking for the "top" or "bottom" of the market, or the current economic situation. You are looking for a variety of properties which have a higher value dependent on the use that can be established for them. There are always opportunities in Real Estate during good times and bad, but it is up to you to pick and choose only those very best deals, especially during times when it appears that Real Estate values and demand have reached their peak or in times when it is practically impossible for most anyone to get bank loans due to the tight money market or impossible interest rates.

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If you have cable, you've no doubt seen local advertising on most of the channels. There are three ways a local business could produce a commercial. One, they could do it themselves (and we all know what that looks like); two, they could have the local cable business do it for them (which can also look quite amateurish); or they can have an outside individual do the production.

This is where you come in.
If your video skills are top-notch, you can produce excellent commercials for local businesses at agreeable prices. If you have marketing skills, so much the better, but it's not an absolute requirement. As long as you can clearly answer the "4 W" questions (who, what, where and why), your commercial will be good. The only drawback to this business is that you should use 3/4 inch broadcast format video, which is incompatible with a home videocamera. A camera for this type of videotape usually costs around $3000, less if it's used. There is a way around this expense, though.

Most cable stations have what is called a "public access" channel. This channel is designed so that individuals and groups from the community can produce their own shows, to be aired on the channel. Contact your local cable company and find out if they have such a channel. You should be able to rent time on their equipment. This is a real boon when it comes to editing a tape, as they will have the equipment necessary to make your tape look professional. They usually offer short courses on using the equipment, too.

Market your services directly to the small businesses in your area. Good prospects are auto dealerships, restaurants, retailers such as video, book, and computer dealers, and, in election years, local political candidates (hope they get elected - you can expect a return customer!). Your quality production, coupled with a reasonable price, should entice prospects to become customers.

Most commercials will be either thirty-seconds or one minute, and will be shot on location at the customer's facilities. If they provide the copy for the commercial, you only have to direct the commercial. Run through the script with whomever will be reading it, to make sure that it will fit
the time without sounding rushed. You want to aim for a relaxed, natural sound (unless, of course, you're working with your local crazy car dealer, in which case they may want an auctioneer sound!). Above all, make sure the script tells who the advertiser is, what they do, where they are, and why people should give them their business. This is what the customer needs to hear.

Likewise, make sure your customer is happy with the result. After shooting the video, edit it (you should be able to ask someone at the cable company to help you), then review it with your customer. As long as you've presented the advertiser in a good light, you'll be in good shape. The first few times you produce a commercial, you may feel like you're flying by the seat of your pants. Just relax, use good common sense, and always remember that the job of the commercial is to convince the skeptical customer to spend his or her hard earned money with your client.

You should expect to spend a few hours during the shoot, to get enough takes for editing. Get four or five good takes. That way, any bad parts that you find when reviewing your taping can be replaced with a good take. A 30-second or 1-minute spot can be shot and edited in one day. The first one or two may take a bit longer, but that's okay. It's better to take your time when learning the ropes, rather than rush through and end up with substandard results. Because your overhead will be low (if renting equipment, instead of purchasing), you should be able to undercut your competition. In a decent size city, you can expect to charge between $500 and $1,000. Longer commercials are more negotiable, depending upon whether or not you will be asked to write the script. The half-hour long "infomercials" have become a bonanza for many advertisers, and they are a goal you can work up to, as your skills grow.

Watch commercials and listen to them. Keep mental notes about how the advertiser is presented, what message the commercial gives, and if you feel the commercial is successful. Incorporate the best elements of the commercials you see into your own shoots!

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There are many different referral services you can run, either as a stand-alone service or together with other types. Here are some businesses you can specialize in: plumbers, hair salons,
auto maintenance, child care, real estate agents, travel agents, lawyers, dentists, musicians and DJ's, printers, restaurants, even house sitters. Basically, any high-competition business will appreciate a referral service.

How can you make money? If you provide the service free to consumers, you can either charge a monthly or annual fee to business listed with your service, or you can collect a commission on each successful referral. Or, depending on the type of service you run, you can charge the consumer. For instance, if you are running a roommate referral service, both parties (the searcher and the potential roommate) can be charged a fee.

This business will be a lot easier to run if you have a computer, but it's not totally necessary. If you do have a computer, you can use a database program to store information on the businesses or people you have listed. If you aren't using a computer, you can keep the information in a 3 x 5
card file. Otherwise, all you'll need to start are business cards, stationery, and a business phone. Identify the types of businesses you'll keep information on, then develop a survey geared toward the type of the business they're in.

Ask what types of work they specialize in, what their average charge is, how long they've been in business, if they have customers who can give a testimonial for them (call these people and get their permission before you use their testimonial - also, try to make sure they're not just the businessperson's brother-in-law, that they're actual customers who can give a real opinion), and other pertinent information. Get these surveys out to each of the businesses in the categories you've selected, and keep their responses in your file.

Put together a flyer advertising your referral services. Then, distribute the flyers by: contacting your local "welcome wagon" service, offering them flyers to insert into their packages; posting them on grocery store and church bulletin boards; leaving them on car windshields in mall parking lots; posting them in laundry rooms at apartment buildings; and leaving them anywhere large groups of people will see them. When a customer calls for a referral, give them the information you've collected from the businesses. They will appreciate not having to make three dozen calls in order to make an informed decision. The customer testimonials will help people make a good decision.

Keep in touch with the people you've given referrals to, so you can get their opinion on how the business did. If you get complaints from customers, drop the business from your files. If you get good recommendations, move them to the front of the list. You will be offering a much-needed public service with this business. Stress to potential businesses that you can refer new customers to them, and they should be willing to pay commissions, or a subscription fee. Give it a try, and you can make a decent amount of money in the referral business!

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Now, for the hard part. Hello? (was that a "thud" I just heard???) Are you OK? Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but nobody promised this would be easy. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EASY MONEY - NOT IN THE REAL WORLD AND CERTAINLY NOT ON THE INTERNET! If you follow steps one through three and then stop, you might as well save yourself some time and quit right now.

In order to be successful you will have to promote your website and PROMOTE IT AGGRESSIVELY! And then when you are tired of promoting your site, go and promote it some more! This is time consuming, however there are several sites listed on this disk that can make the job easier - and for FREE! There are many more sites that will promote your site for you if you pay them, but I don't like to pay for something I can do myself - and neither should you. Here is a list of things (in my humble opinion) you should do to promote your website, ranked in order of importance:

• Submit your website to as many search engines as you can.
• Join a Banner Ad Network.
• Place FREE Classified ads (never PAY for classifieds - there are too many FREE sites for this!)
• Submit your link to as many "Free For All Links" pages as you can find.
• Use FREE E-MAIL lists that are "opt-in" BUT NEVER SPAM! You WILL lose your website!
• Join a "Web Ring"
• Post to APPROPRIATE newsgroups on USENET, just make sure you understand their rules first.
• Always seek out new ways to promote your site and ALWAYS take advantage of FREE OPPORTUNITIES!

I know that sounds like a lot. The trick is to take it one step at a time. If you are going to be doing this with another preson, make sure you divide up the work in advance - it is a complete waste of time to duplicate the efforts of your partner (Trust me, I learned the hard way!) And KEEP AT IT! Don't get discouraged. The money you take out of the internet will be directly proportionate to the time and effort you put in to it - and it DOES get easier over time.

Once your website is up and running, and you have promoted it to the point where it is successful, you will want to take advantage of other FREE opportunities on the internet. Like listing some of your products at internet auctions (see the main index for more information on this) or starting another website (or two, or six).

If you are already selling computer hardware, set up another FREE site and start a bookstore! Even better, target a specific group of people and offer LOTS of stuff for sale. For example, you could have a website designed for children, or religious poeple, or Irish people, or gay people, or Jewsih people, etc. etc. An Irish-oriented website could contain books of interest to Irish people, Irish music, art, products from Ireland, etc. The only limit here is your creativity - keep on thinking of new things and promote the hell out of them! Don't just do what everyone else is doing, unless you want to fail miserably.

The rewards go to those who are there first - not the million people who follow them. Just look at eBay - they were one of the first auction sites on the internet and the FIRST one to allow anyone who wanted to add a listing to do so. Today they are the largest and most profitable auction site on the internet - and they are going public! For the original owners, the money will never stop - their biggest problem will be counting it fast enough. And what about all the OTHER auctions sites? They don't generate NEARLY as much traffic and are not NEARLY as profitable for the owners (although you can still make money SELLING on those sites). Be first and be rich!

Ok, so you couldn't start something like eBay or Yahoo for free. Not now. There would be no way to compete with them. But if you have a hot idea NOW, you can start it for free and then grow your business to the point of extreme success! Yahoo was started for well under $1000, and I'm sure eBay was started on a similar budget. Start small and grow big.

To be successful, follow these five steps and keep repeating them. Pitch as many products as you can and work up as many ideas as you can. Since the cost of implementing them will be ZERO (or more, if you want to pay for the services of others) don't be afraid to try and fail. When Thomas Edison was working on the light bulb, he tried several hundred substances for the filament before he found one that worked.

Before he found it, someone asked him how he felt about having all those "failures" and he replied that they were not failures because he now knew hundreds of things that would not work! There is no shame in failing at something as long as you learn from your mistakes. If your first website does not work out for you, set up another one. And another. And another. Each time, try different things until you find something that works. We wish you the best of luck in all your online endeavors!

Back To Make money on internet # Part I

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The first thing you must do is to select a website provider. There are several FREE website providers listed on this disk, all of which can be accessed through the Master Index. You can choose one, or several, however I strongly suggest you START with just one. These providers are not going anywhere - you'll still be able to get more sites tomorrow, next month, or next year. When I started this, I registered 3 sites in ONE WEEKEND and the result was that I could not do a good job on any of them. You MUST put some time and effort into making your website presentable or any potential customers will soon go somewhere else - there are far too many websites out there who are your competitors - and they are after the same customers you are!

When you choose your provider you will be asked to pick a name for your site, so try to choose a name that relates to the business you will be doing on the web. If, for example, you are selling computers, you do not want to name your website "Easter Eggs". Also, try to stay away from names that could be considered controversial, or that have a double meaning. If the name you choose is controversial, you run the risk of having your website blocked by the "filtering software" designed to give parents control of what their kids see on the web. Of course, if your website relates DIRECTLY to such things, then name it appropriately - you will get more customers that way.

As for double meanings, they will attract people to your website that will not be interested in your product, and others who would be interested might stay away. An example would be a party planning and supplies company that names their site "Gay Parties!". While you (the webmaster) might mean this to say "happy and fun" parties, you will probably attract a lot of visitors who are gay or lesbian. You can see the confusion this could create.

The next issue is disk space. Some websites offer more of it than others. Try to get the most space you can - it can only help you in the future. Also, check what their policies are on advertising. Virtually all of the free websites out there require you to place their ads on your site. Some of them will simply put banner ads on your pages - however some of them use "pop-up" ads which can be annoying. Choose a provider that will not force you to use the "POP-UPS"!

Lastly, make sure you understand their terms of service and abide by their rules. Most of them are simple and straightforward - No adult material, no spamming, etc. Thelast thing you want is to set up your site, spend hours and hours promoting it, and then have it shut down!

From master index go to "Hot Businesses" or "Career Opportunities" and see what interests you. Click on the links to go directly to the website of the company making the offers and see if it fits with what you are doing - ideally, you will want to choose more than one opportunity for each website! If you want to sell computers, wouldn't software be a nice addition? How about accessories? Or, maybe one company has a better offer on modems than your "primary" computer hardware provider - offer you customers the best values and they will return, time and again.

This is another chore that will take some time and effort as you will want to make sure that you are not locked in to any one company exclusively. Read their terms and conditions, and if there is anything you do not understand ASK THEM - DO NOT ASSUME ANYTHING! These companies may also be able to provide you with free pages for your website and offer you other free help. Take advantage of everything you can! Don't be afraid to ask a hundred and ten questions, if that's how many you have. These companies WANT you to be successful, and are only too happy to help you achieve your goals.

Once you have your website provider and you know what you want to sell, you will have to create some web pages for your site. There is a program included for doing this: Advanced HTML. While this is not a PERFECT program, it offers lots of help for the beginner who does not know an awful lot about HTML. Also, be sure to visit the sites we have listed on this disk which offer free help with HTML! It is easy to learn the basics of HTML, and with a little practice you can create some very nice web pages on your own and for free. Rather than trying to teach you HTML here, we will leave that for the websites we mentioned, and the HTML program we have included on this disks.

Continue To Make Money on the Internet # part I

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Although this money-making is continuously being marketed as "a way to make money with your answering machine", new technology has actually rendered this idea obsolete. With the proliferation of voice mail, fax-back service, and very inexpensive computerized voice processing systems, the answering machine, with its limited one-call-at-a-time capacity, is no longer ideal for making money. With the advent of these new technologies, the concept has also expanded to a variety of processes which you can use to make money.

With answering machines, the only way you can make money is when people call you. Since an answering machine is hooked up to a specific phone number, and since it does not advertise on its own, you will have to establish ways to attract people to call your phone number so that people can listen to the message recorded on your answering machine.

The message recorded on your answering machine is the key to your ability to make money. The message can instruct people to send money for information about any subject matter, or instruct callers to leave their name and address so you can send them a sales brochure. The information you have recorded on your machine should be encouraging and convincing enough to motivate the caller to do what you have instructed.

Think of your recording as a radio commercial. Since callers have short attention spans, and are used to hearing radio and tv spots that are not more than 1 minute long it is advisable that you limit the length of your message to about 1 minute, 2 minutes tops!

Whatever it is you are selling, and by which you are using your answering, your primary challenge will be in two areas:
(1) How you can advertise and make your telephone number known to a lot of people, and
(2) How you are going to collect payment for whatever it is you are selling.

One of the most popular topics sold on "answering machine schemes" is information abourt how people can make money with their answering machine. This is worn out and very unimaginative. More than likely, your caller will feel insulted and not order whatever literature, report or booklet you want them to order. Remember, if you want to have a recorded sales message over the telephone, use a voice mail service, which may cost you around $8 a month.

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Information is a time-tested product that will continue to make money particularly now that we have so many options and the society we live in is constantly hungry for information. Information about how to better our lives, particularly reports and other varieties of materials that show us ways to improve our livelihood, our careers and our way of life lead the list. These are the best items you can sell by mail.

BUT THINK ABOUT THIS: Marketable information need not always be in printed form. The electronic media, such as audio tapes, video tapes, and computer disks are taking over from what was once the exclusive domain of (paper and ink) printed materials. Of course, you can still sell pre-written materials or very easily create your own. You can write an informational report in an hour that will create income for the rest of your life! The thing you need to know is...what is
the best type of information to sell?

You will make the most money by selling MONEY-MAKING information. Books that tell how to start different businesses, short reports on business topics like increasing advertising effectiveness or new business ideas, manuals, are all very viable, and often, high selling ideas for informational products. The best way to break into this field is by reading the mail order publications you get in the mail. Pay attention to what others are selling, and order some of the things that look good. Read through them, and look not only at the content but at how it was produced, and how long you think it would take YOU to produce something like it. Find things you could improve upon. The best sellers and easiest to produce will be short reports.

You can produce a 4 to 6 page report and sell it easily for $5-$10, depending on the topic. Just be sure your content is packed with information your customer can benefit from, and push those benefits in your advertising. Also, when you find a good product, contact the seller and negotiate terms for you to sell the product. Try to make a DROP-SHIP arrangement. Drop-shipping means your customer will order from you, you take your profit from the payment (usually 50%), then you send the rest of the payment and a shipping label to the source of the product. They stock the product and will ship it directly to your customer. This saves you from having to buy large quantities of the product and stock it.

You will make the most money, though, from informational products you produce yourself. There is no one to share the profits with - you handle it all. If you are selling short 4-6 page reports for, say, $4-$6 each, your costwill be maybe 30 cents for copying the reports and 29 cents for postage to your customer (if you don't have the customer include postage). Don't just send your customer their order alone in the envelope... Include flyers for other offers, too. A customer who's ordered from you once is more likely to order from you AGAIN; and repeat customers are where you make the MOST money.

Another way to save money in the production of your reports is to use a computer. It is much easier to write a report with a computer, and it's easier to make changes. The biggest advantage, though, is you can print your reports whenever you need them, in whatever quantities you need. Save them on a disk, and if you get an order for, say, three reports, just load the disk and print them on your printer. Six pages printed on a typical dot-matrix printer (the least expensive type) would cost only around 3 cents ( if you buy your paper in bulk like I do). Figure out your profit from selling your report for $6-$8. Also, you can keep your mailing list of customers on a disk, and save addressing time each time you mail by printing labels on your printer.

Your mailing list can then be used for extra income by renting your customer names to other mail order dealers. If you don't already have a computer, you will also learn exactly which computer setup is the BEST and most ECONOMICAL in this report! Above all, to be a success in this business, be sure to have a GOOD product. A flaky report that contains questionable information, or little usable information at all, will get nothing but unsatisfied customers. No one will want to send you money. And the ones who do, will want their money back. Take the extra time when writing your reports or manuals.

It's worth it. If you're not 100% confident of your information, go to your local library and check your facts. You may just find extra info you can include in your report. Cover all your bases in your reports, and your customers will come back time and time again!

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It is very tempting to play the lottery. Just last week, there was a lottery in my area that had a grand prize of $110 Million! What you could do with all that money. Unfortunately, the odds of winning that prize were 1 in 54.9 Million. In other words, you'd be more likely to get hit by lightning or die in a plane crash than win. So, it's really a sucker bet, But, still, it's fun to play.

Lots of people use "systems" to try to win. They use birthdays, or they keep track of which numbers have already been picked, or any of the other systems out there. Well, the bad news is, NONE of them work. There is NO way one can accurately predict which numbers will come up in a random drawing. Let's look at the most common way to "predict" lottery numbers. This would be tracking. People have kept track of lottery numbers for years, trying to establish a "pattern." Either they are looking for which numbers come up more often, or which have been neglected. They use this information as a basis for the numbers they pick. This just doesn't work, though.

With the number of balls in a state lottery (usually 40 - 45), there are just too many different combinations of numbers to be able to predict which will come up, based on past performance. Sure, the "law of averages" would say that the number 9 should come up soon, since it hasn't been picked for 6 months. However, you can't say when the 9 will come up. You will probably find that 10 to 12 of the numbers haven't been picked in some time. This is NOT a pattern, this is randomness. The other numbers will eventually be picked, but not all at once.

Playing by birthdays, addresses, or lucky numbers is the same. The idea is that if you always play the same numbers, they will eventually come up. In theory, this is true. You may have to wait a few hundred, or even thousand, years, though, because of the shear number of combinations possible.

If you play the lottery consistently, you are bound to win SOMETHING, even if it's a little prize. This gives some people the misguided notion that their system works. Actually, they were just lucky. If you look at the statistics for those who win the lottery, you will find that most of them
let the computer pick their numbers. They play randomly.

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The average income for owners of this kind of business in California is $65,000 a year. Best of all, here's a business that you can start with an absolute minimum investment. Practically anyone who lives in a city anywhere in the country can expect to do just about as well, and with a bit of imagination, mixed with some business "moxie", you should be able to do even better!

Income and market potentials for a service such as this are truly fantastic! Rent increases that have far outpaced wage increase have brought about a tremendous need for a method to alleviate the cost of housing. Also, many apartment complexes are being converted into expensive condominiums. These two factors have created a problem of gigantic proportions for millions of people who are concerned about keeping a roof over their heads.

You can make big money solving the problem with your own Roommate Finding Service. We're going to tell you how. Many of the nation's leading economists are predicting this kind of living arrangement to be the "money-saving answer" for apartment dwellers for the rest of this century. Others are predicting the roommate finding service to become as popular as the employment agency by 1990.

This is an ideal absentee owner business. Most of those operating on the West Coast have a woman doing the managing - sometimes as just the manager, and some times as the owner - manager. This apparently has something to do with the nature of the business, and how most people seem to naturally trust a woman to find the right roommate for them. As to the fee structure, I suggest something similar to the successful employment agencies. Charge everyone a $25 registration fee to start the ball rolling toward finding them a suitable roommate. You take a Polaroid snapshot of each registrant, have them fill out an appropriate application card which will indicate the kind of roommate they'd be happy with, and start searching through your files for people with similar likes and dislikes.

To get started, you'll want a bank reference; a legal reference, a telephone; a business name, letterhead paper, envelopes and business bards; and office supplies such as a 3 x 5 index cards; typewriter; file cabinet; and a printed questionnaire-application form. You'll also need a responsibility disclaimer, which can be combined with the applicant's agreement- to-pay contract. Once you've found a roommate for your prospective client, you should have it spelled out in your agreement that each of the "matched room mates" will pay you 15% to 20% of the first month's rent. You could charge a bit extra for particular requirements, and perhaps somewhat less for older persons, or for persons with handicaps.

The approval or disapproval is left up in the parties involved. You simply look through your registration card file, pull out five or six apparently suitable roommates, call each of them on the phone and arrange separate meetings for them with your client. Your client reports back to you, and tells you of his or her decision, and you call the person chosen and finalize the deal.

Good advertising will play a most important part in getting this business off the ground. Make up a good circular or "flyer" detaining your roommate finding services, and listing your phone number. Get these flyers on as many bulletin boards in your area as possible. Get them in grocery stores, barber shops, community colleges, beauty salons, bowling alleys; the list of places to "billboard" your flyers is endless. Another idea is to set up "take-one" boxes in as many retail places of business as you can. Don't overlook the value of placing your flyers on car windshields - particularly around apartment complexes, and in the parking lots of the colleges in your area. You might even pay the downtown

parking lot attendants to slip one under the windshield wiper of each car he parks on Monday. If you do a good job with the make-up of your flyer, and use your imagination in getting them into the hands of your prospective clients, you'll have no trouble moving your new business into the black quickly. Even so, you'll need to run regular ads in your area newspapers. The best headings to run your ads under is the Personals Column. Your ad might read:

Need A Roommate? We'll find the ideal roommate for you! Everything handled on a strictly confidential basis. For details, call Jan, Mary, or Carol. Within only a couple of months, you should be well enough established, and with an income large enough to afford an office location. When you establish your office, do some publicizing of your business with press releases to all the media in your area, and plan some fanfare that will bring attention to your services. Tacking up on your office walls the enthusiastic testimonials of people you've matched with roommates is a very good idea. Later on, you might want to input all your client information on computer, and take video pictures of each client for showing to prospective roommates. In the final analysis, once you have your business underway, your further success will be limited only by your imagination.

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Here is another passport to success in taking advantage of a good deal or profitable transaction when it passes your way. "Signature loans are your key to the vault", and because they are based on your signature alone, they are also known as "Character Loans". No co-signer or collateral is involved in a real signature loan.

With pen in hand, based on your prior credit history and also your own experience with the bank, your signature can draw from $1,000.00 to $250,000.00. It all depends on your ability to pay the money back. Once you get your first signature loan with a bank, walk in on the day it is due and pay it off with two cashier's checks or with two different stacks of money. The first check or money stack will be to cover the principal of the loan. Be sure to tell him how well you did for yourself as you hand over your payment. Tell him not to make any plans for the money as you may need to rent it again soon. As you pay back the interest portion of the loan, remind the loan officer that your good performance and his smart decision to give you a loan in the first place was a profitable experience for the bank as well. Remind him that it's the rent paid on these loans that keeps the bank in business.

Now, let's suppose that your original loan was for $3,000.00. As you get up to leave the bank, turn to him and say, "Oh, by the way, I may want to rent $5,000.00 in a couple of weeks. Will you hold on to $5,000.00 for me?" What you are doing is pre-qualifying for a $5,000.00 loan. You are saying, "Hey, Mr. Loan Officer, are you going to raise my next signature loan to $5,000.00 or is $3,000.00 the limit?" What can he say? You have just paid off the $3,000.00 loan, and the rent for the loan, and you have just reinforced the point that the rent, or interest, on the loan is what keeps the bank in business and pays his salary. If he answers with something like "We'll see.", sit back down at his desk and say, "You mean you're not sure? What seems to be the problem?" It is very important at this point that you get some kind of answer from him in advance. It is very unlikely that a "Yes" will come forth, but a "sure" or "I suppose" will do. Do not leave the bank until he commits to the next loan. With each new loan, raise the dollar amount by $2,000.00 increments, until you have reached $10,000.00. At that point, you will be able to raise the amounts of future loans in $5,000.00 and $10,000.00 increments.

When shopping for aggressive banks, ask the loan officer you are deal-ing with if they are a "commissioned" loan officer. They are the most aggressive as they are paid a commission on all the loans they write. These people will be more eager to make you a loan.

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It sounds daft to say that the way you think can make you either rich or poor yet, to a very large degree, it is perfectly true. 'Aim for the stars and reach for the rooftops' is just one commonly voiced saying that almost sums up the right attitude. I am sure that 90% of people live just beyond their means. It doesn't matter what they earn, they always need just that little bit extra. It amazes me that a person who only has themselvs to cater for is just as badly off as some friends down the road to me who need Ј800 per month for a mortgage AND they have three children.

In building up my business, I used psychological stepping stones. I knew that I couldn't make the business work in just one year so I set myself specific aims. To start with, it was just a matter of getting work so I aimed to do just that. I realised that my redundancy money wouldn't last forever so I aimed to get enough work to make at least half a weeks wage. I managed to do that for a few months so I steeped up the amount that I needed. By gradually enlarging the amount that I needed, I stepped up my takings in little bursts.

A few mistakes made me realise that just earning enough to live on wasn't anywhere near enough. So, in my private accounts, I put in extra payments that didn't really exist. The idea was to con myself into believing that I needed more than I really did. It worked. Although I knew that I had more money than I really did have, I still had that sense of urgency to find even more. Another little psychological trick which I found extremely helpful was to pay all my bills as soon as possible. This meant that when I was in any financial trouble, I could always leave a bill a little longer before paying it.

Earning more money is not the only way to become richer. Another way is to spend LESS. Living within your means is just the same as being rich. Always wanting more and more only leads to misery. It seems to be human nature to always want to work less, have less problems and have more money. It is only a little twist of the mind that can help us to want to work just a little more, handle just a few more problems and accept that we have enough money.

If you can develope that attitude, then you are RICH.
Working with the right attitude is very rewarding. Problems are a part of everyday life and finding answers is very satisfying. Except in a very few circumstances, living within your means isn't really as hard as many people make out and it certainly leads to greater peace of mind.

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There are many schools of thought on how to write a successful direct-response ad, letter or brochure. Some say you need to be subtle, some say be harsh, some say be round-about, some say be direct. There is one technique, though, that is coming to the forefront as one of the most successful to employ.

Info-Loading is the style of overloading an advertsement with information about your product or service. The theory is, you give the customer more information than they'd ever want on your product/service, and they'll feel more confident about you and what you offer. Also, the customer that actually reads through it all is the one who's interested enough to buy what you offer. The good news is, it works!

Here's how to do it. Say you're planning a quarter-page display ad in a magazine. Instead of leaving a lot of white space, so it looks open, and instead of putting pictures in to catch the eye, fill the whole space with text! Load it with as much information as you can fit in, without making it unreadable. To prevent it from looking like a grey blur when the reader's eyes scan through the page, put a bold, black box around the ad, a bold headline, and emphasize important words and phrases with bold print.

You can do the same thing with a mailing. Put together a four-page sales letter loaded with copy, then add a brochure/flyer that re-emphasizes the important points in even greater detail. A few cautions with this technique. First, make sure you actually have something to say! We are so conditioned to being economical with our words in advertising that it'll be hard to info-load without feeling repetitious. Instead of rambling on about features, tell customers every single benefit they'll get from your product/service. BENEFIT is the important word.

Give Info-Loading a try. Depending on your audience and what you're trying to sell, you may find that info-loading can load more sales into your bank account!

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Pre-approved cards are the result of one bank who now has you as a customer, and sells your name to another bank or a series of banks so they can offer you their credit cards. Here's how it usually works:

Many smaller banks want to be credit card issuers but, because of limited facilities for credit card processing, it is sometimes difficult for a smaller bank to cash in on the credit card boom. What's been developed is an interconnect system where large banks will process credit card applications and issue the credit cards for the little banks.

For example, let's say that Mini Savings & Loan wants to get in on the Plastic Pursuit. However, Mini does not have the facility or the staff to process credit card applications and issue credit cards. What Mini has to do is contract the service with Maxi Bank. Since Maxi has several banks that they provide this service to, Mini Savings & Loan is just a welcome addition to their roster of client banks for whom they process and issue credit cards.

When you apply for a credit card at Mini Savings & Loan, your application is actually forwarded to Maxim Bank who runs a credit check and, granting you have good credit, issues you your choice of VISA or MasterCard with Mini Savings & Loan's name on it. However, since Maxi is the issuing bank and since it has your credit on their file, they can very well send you an application for their own credit card. They can also sell your name to their other client-banks who can offer you their credit cards on a pre-approved basis.

Another source that sells your name is the credit bureau. Because they can program their computers to search for names of existing credit card holders with clean and healthy files, they can provide issuing banks with a premium mailing list of people to whom the banks can send pre-approved credit card applications.

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The term "Reloctation Consultant" is an all-encompassing business that involves everything that has to do with transferring people. The task of a relocation consultant may include any or all of the following activities and services that generally come with moving to a new location:

+ Select a moving company.
+ Selling the old house .
+ Finding and buying a new home or renting a new apartment.
+ Suggesting schools, churches, etc.
+ Spouse job placement counseling

Of course you choose which services you want to include in your repertoire.
However, on a joint-effort with other professionals in your area, you can really offer an extensive menu of services, Relocation consultants do not own moving companies, They hire moving companies for and on behalf of the client. As a relocation consultant, you also deal with real estate agents, travel agencies, and career consultants. You control the middle ground where all these services merge to fulfill the needs of your client.

The most important issue in any relocation is where your client will reside in their new city or state. Some clients buy a home in the new city before they move. Others prefer to rent, giving themselves enough time to become familiar with the area before buying a house, Most relocation consultants receive their commission from the real estate agent. However, if your client wants to rent, as opposed to immediately buying a home, the company relocating your client will more than likely pick up the tab, usually equal to one month's rent. Some rental properties, however, will pay a relocation consultant a commission equal to one month's rent.

You can do a real volume business by targeting large corporate accounts. Companies in high-technology related products and services are the growth markets in relocation. Contracts for technical top-guns range 3 to 5 years, so you can expect excellent turn over in the high-tech industry. Concentrating on a specific
industry gives you credibility and lots of referrals.

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...and Earn $100,000 a Year, Collect Large Fees Helping Others....and Borrow All The Money You Need Becoming a Money Broker is one of the easiest and most rewarding endeavors available. Virtually anyone can become a Money Broker with the smallest investment. You can start this business on a part-time basis, and earn large "Finders Fees," or open your own office and work fulltime with absolutely unlimited income potential.

Until very recently, the "secrets of money brokering" were closely guarded and known only to a few select bankers, investment corporations, and business consultants. No other business offers the potential income figure for so little investment! As an example, starting with less than $100, some money brokers have made $100,000 their first year in their business! This is the ideal way for a man or woman to supplement his or her present income, or change professions after a period of time. It is an absolute "dream-come-true" for the
semi-retired, or retired office worker.

There is hardly another business requiring less than $100 in start-up cost that can put you in a six-figure income bracket so quickly. None of them give you the power, prestige, or status---respectability in your community---equal to that of the Money Broker. To get started, you'll need stationary, envelopes, and business cards with your own letterhead. When ordering, be sure to include your phone number. Also have copies made of your Fee Agreement. We have presented a typical Fee Agreement form (which you may duplicate after eradicating the instructions we have given in blanks) As we started, the investment in this business is small; when you have your stationary, envelopes, cards and the Finder's Fee Agreement in hand, you have spent part of it. The other part will be discussed now, because you have to "find" both borrower and
lender to really get underway.

Once you have your "working paper," you will run some advertisements in your local paper under the headings "money to Loan," or "Business Opportunities." Typical ads might read:

(This ad would be used to "pull" BORROWERS)

(This one would be to attract LENDERS)

In response to the calls or letters from prospective clients, you will have to be prepared (really BE prepared by practicing) with the proper answers and sales pitch--(to the prospective borrower): "Yes, this is John Johnson. Thank you for calling. First I will explain how we operate. I'm a money broker, Mr. (USE HIS NAME!)____. I bring you, the borrower, and the lender, together. I have different money sources available---banks, insurance companies, private investment groups of doctors, dentists, lawyers, and other professional people. My sources are in business to make money by lending out money. Let's see-- I need to determine your needs and the purpose of the loan in order to properly prepare the necessary financial papers for your loan request as many as ten different lending groups in order to get the loan for you. Once I have an approval on your loan request, I'm paid anywhere from 2% to 10% of the total loan figure...important for you to remember, though, is that I don't get paid less I GET the loan for you. I do, however charge a $100 non-refundable Application Fee to cover my expenses in preparing your request for loan papers and presenting this portfolio to the lenders. In a nutshell, that's how these types of loans are negotiated. Now then, how much will you need?

(Note that five successful registrations per will bring you $500 each week.)
This is where you begin to acquire the information you are going to need to proceed--the amount of money needed---purpose of the loan---terms the borrower wants for repayment--and a profile of his background--education, employment record, date of birth, Social Security number, marital status, general health, and number of dependents. Next you type this information onto the proper forms, assembling all into a portfolio and presenting it with a cover letter to at least five different lenders for their consideration. When the loan is granted, you collect your Brokers Fee--a pre-determined percentage of the total loan figure.

The undersigned, Borrower's name, hereby appoints YOUR NAME, as his Agent and authorizes him to submit to lenders data information supplied by the borrower, for the purpose of the lender making a loan or investment direct to the undersigned. The undersigned aggress to pay to YOUR NAME, a fee of ___% of the amount of the loan or investment obtained. The undersigned hereby pays to YOUR NAME, $____ as a non-refundable fee for the time involved to appraise the feasibility of loan requested; this fee
is separate from any other fess due, if the loan is obtained.
___________________ _______________________
Date Borrower

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Anyone who doesn't use coupons when they go grocery shopping is missing out on an easy way to save money. Many stores double coupons, so a 35 cent coupon will actually save 70 cents. On an average shopping trip, people purchase 16 items, so if you were able to save 70 cents each on only half of your purchases, that would be $5.60. Multiply that times 52 weeks, and you have over $290! That's money that you can use for other things, or to save. The only problem is, it seems like the only coupons in your newspaper are the ones for products you don't buy. There are a few good ways, though, to get all the grocery coupons you can use, on the products you actually buy.

First, and easiest, buy groups of coupons at a discount from a coupon service. The biggest and best is called Coupon Connection of America. First, you purchase a booklet of 10 certificates, each worth $15 in coupons, for around $25. You then pick the exact items and brands that you want coupons for from their list of over 1,200 national name brand products. Send in a certificate to the company with your selection list, and they send a total of $15 worth of coupons for the products you selected. If you buy a certificate booklet for $25, you'll get $150 worth of coupons you can use, for a $125 total profit! If your store doubles coupons, you'll save $275 ($300 - $25 price of booklet)! CCA has agents across the country. Call them at (800) 989-1819 for the name of the closest one.

Another way to get coupons is to subscribe to a coupon saver's newsletter.
The best one is Refundle Bundle. It contains lists of coupons and rebates available from manufacturers, as well as a classified area, where you can find people who want to trade coupons they don't need for ones you don't need. This can be a great way to get the ones you want. You can find the current subscription price, as well as other coupon newsletters, by looking through the "household" sections in the periodical reference books at your local library.

Finally, you can start your own local coupon club. Advertise in the weekly PennySaver papers in your surrounding area for people interested in saving money. It shouldn't be hard to find a place to meet. If you have the space, meet at your house or basement. Often, public libraries will have meeting places for clubs and organizations for free or very low cost. At your first club meeting, you can get suggestions from the people attending as to how the club should work. Form a "board of directors" from the people who have the best suggestions. If you have to pay for a meeting place, charge a low yearly dues that will cover the expense, as well as any mailing or newsletter expenses.

Get a subscription to some of the best coupon saver newsletters in the club's name, and share the information with other members (but don't photocopy them and pass them around; that's illegal. Give members subscription info if they are interested). The bulk of the meeting can be used for coupon trading sessions. Try to discourage coupon or rebate selling, as that can be a touchy subject for a lot of people. Equal value trading can be extremely successful for getting the coupons you want. Try these suggestions, and you'll find yourself saving a LOT of money every time you go to the grocery store!

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Always give customers encouragement to order early. Potential customers will often intend to buy and then put it aside to send off later. Of course, they forget all about it. If you give the sort of inducement like 'Reply within 10 days and buy for Ј2 less' or 'Order within 10 days and get an extra report for free', people who like your advert are liable to send off immediately instead of waiting. So you have given a double incentive to buy.

1. They will get it cheaper or get something extra.
2. They won't put off ordering because they don't want to miss out on the extras.

Keep improving your advertisments and brochures even when they are doing well.
A slight change, just a few words can mean all the difference of just one extra reply. That extra reply can be the deciding factor between gain and loss. Always put a sales letter with your brochure, it makes all the difference. I prefer to make it a hand written letter. I find that even a copied hand written letter is read where a typed or printed letter is ignored.

Write and design your own brochures, leaflets and flyers. You won't get such good results if you keep sending out brochures that potential customers have seen a dozen times before. Make your's different so that people get a fresh look at it. Keep re-writing and designing it until it really sells. Vary the offers in your package to get the right combination and the right amount. Keep records of what you send so that you can find the best combination. Add a 'leader' to your brochures. A 'leader' is a piece of paper (usually coloured) that is stapled or stuck on the top left hand corner. It makes an attractive comment about the article being sold.

Fill in the order form for the customer.People are basically lazy. Filling the form in will get half the work done for them. Alternatively, design the order form so all they have to do is enter their name and date. An addressed envelope also helps - a pre-paid one even more so, BUT only if the response ratio justifies the cost. Get other people to advertise for you. Use 50% commission brochures but offer fifty more for every sale. You can buy postage stamps legally at a discount. Most Stamp Dealers have been checked by the Police recently so any stamps that they may wish to sell are unlikely to be illegal. You can also buy envelopes ready stamped which also saves money on envelopes. Get commission brochures that are only printed on one side and have your advertisment printed on the back. Saves on the cost of paper.

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This is the kind of business that might grow out of a conversation over a couple of beers at your favorite tavern. Imagine for a moment this scenario: Someone suggests that the owner should sponsor a summer picnic or softball game. The question then comes up as to how to advertise it, and someone suggests bumper stickers. And the basics of a very lucrative business are set in motion. As you consider this idea for a source of income, your first decision will be whether to first line up people willing to "wear" the bumper stickers on their cars, or the business owners who will want to advertise in this manner.

A good friend of ours started such a business several years ago, and he found it easier to sell the business owner by telling him that 100 to 200 people were all set and willing to wear his bumper sticker advertisement, because such people were known to be in the area. All this boils down to a recommendation that you talk to your friends, neighbors and co-workers first. Get as many of them as you can to agree to "wear" a bumper sticker. You might offer to pay them $10 for three months, or $5 for six weeks . With induce ment of money just to put a bumper sticker on their cars or trucks, you won't have too many turndowns. One person we know runs an ad in his weekly shopper newspaper, advertising the fact that he pays money just for "wearing" a bumper sticker. And of course, don't overlook the pulling power of all the bulletin boards in your area businesses.

This is an ideal business for constant free publicity write-ups in your local newspapers, plus interviews on radio and TV talk shows. At first, you'll want as many people as possible to "wear" bumper sticker ads. What you'll want to stress in any publicity write-ups or media interviews is the fact that you've got the "vehicles for exposure" lined up and organized so that any potential advertiser needs only to give you a call, and you can launch his advertising program immediately.

Next, you check with a number of printers and determine the cost to have bumper stickers made to order. Generally, you should be able to get a thousand bumper stickers for $100 or less. Whatever the cost, this initial outlay should be absorbed by your charge to the advertiser. So let's suppose you've got 100 people lined up to "wear" one of these bumper stickers on their cars for six weeks. Figure the bumper stickers will cost $100. Now, the problem of what to charge the advertiser. You should always charge on a "per car" basis, i.e., on a basis of circulation, as newspapers do. So, you could charge $5 per car per week, with 100 cars. This comes out to $500 per week, or $3,000 total over six weeks, from the advertiser. Subtract $100 for getting the bumper stickers made, and $500 as payment for the cars "wearing" the bumper stickers, and you would end up with a profit picture of $2,400 for those six weeks.

In the beginning, you should be the one calling on potential advertisers and doing all the selling. Once you've got your first program organized and running smoothly, your next step is a natural multiplication of your efforts. Run an ad in your local paper for commission sales people. Brief them on the basics and get them out on the street selling advertisers for you. The best time to launch a business of this kind is during the fair weather seasons, or just in advance of general political elections in your area. Once established, however, the business can, and should sustain itself year round.

The selling "keys" to this kind of advertising are basically the same as those enumerated for "word of mouth" advertising. You've got people all over town spreading the word - talking about the advertiser. And these people are saturating the area with the advertiser's name and message wherever they go. It's easy! It's simple! And it works! Compared with other, more traditional advertising methods, bumper sticker advertising is very low in cost. One of the tricks of the trade is in using short, snappy, even humorous slogans or telegram styled messages. For instance: Anderson's Cafe - 6th and Main - That's where I'm going - How about you? Another idea is to make the lettering on the bumper stickers luminous to the headlights of the cars following. Most important, be sure to make your lettering easy to read, and the message easy to comprehend at one glance.

Actually, you could start at the front of the yellow pages in your phone book and probably never run out of places ready to be sold on your plan of bumper sticker advertising. Some of the more traditional places to sell this kind of advertising include: Taverns Pizza Houses Flea Markets Physical Fitness Clubs Political Campaigns Newspapers Radio & TV Stations Insurance Companies Appliance Repair Travel Agencies Movie Theaters Sporting Goods Auto Repair Shops Trade Schools Special Local Events The important thing is to always be creative in your selling efforts. Always show the prospect how his business can grow from advertising in the manner you propose, and how your method is more positive, more responsive, and lower in cost than the more traditional advertising.

Remember, too, the more clever or "catchy" the message on the bumper sticker, the more it will make people talk and respond. For ideas along these lines, go back to the yellow pages of your telephone book and read all those short, crispy one-liners . Remember also that advertising is a form of "brainwashing" and the more people see the message, the stronger that message is imprinted in their minds. Therefore, when they need or are in the market for the services or product offered by the advertiser, they'll quickly refer to the strongest, easiest-to-recall advertising message in their minds. And that, of course, means that if the prospect sees a specific advertising message on the bumpers of the cars in front of him day after day, when he's ready to buy, that particular advertiser will be the one he will patronize.

You can expand this business to include magnetic signs on the sides of cars, saddle-back signs on the back of cars, and even signs in the yards in residential neighborhoods. As I've explained in this report, line up your "method of exposure," deter mine your costs and then go after the advertisers. It can be a very easy way to achieve real wealth and independence for yourself!

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