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It sounds daft to say that the way you think can make you either rich or poor yet, to a very large degree, it is perfectly true. 'Aim for the stars and reach for the rooftops' is just one commonly voiced saying that almost sums up the right attitude. I am sure that 90% of people live just beyond their means. It doesn't matter what they earn, they always need just that little bit extra. It amazes me that a person who only has themselvs to cater for is just as badly off as some friends down the road to me who need Ј800 per month for a mortgage AND they have three children.

In building up my business, I used psychological stepping stones. I knew that I couldn't make the business work in just one year so I set myself specific aims. To start with, it was just a matter of getting work so I aimed to do just that. I realised that my redundancy money wouldn't last forever so I aimed to get enough work to make at least half a weeks wage. I managed to do that for a few months so I steeped up the amount that I needed. By gradually enlarging the amount that I needed, I stepped up my takings in little bursts.

A few mistakes made me realise that just earning enough to live on wasn't anywhere near enough. So, in my private accounts, I put in extra payments that didn't really exist. The idea was to con myself into believing that I needed more than I really did. It worked. Although I knew that I had more money than I really did have, I still had that sense of urgency to find even more. Another little psychological trick which I found extremely helpful was to pay all my bills as soon as possible. This meant that when I was in any financial trouble, I could always leave a bill a little longer before paying it.

Earning more money is not the only way to become richer. Another way is to spend LESS. Living within your means is just the same as being rich. Always wanting more and more only leads to misery. It seems to be human nature to always want to work less, have less problems and have more money. It is only a little twist of the mind that can help us to want to work just a little more, handle just a few more problems and accept that we have enough money.

If you can develope that attitude, then you are RICH.
Working with the right attitude is very rewarding. Problems are a part of everyday life and finding answers is very satisfying. Except in a very few circumstances, living within your means isn't really as hard as many people make out and it certainly leads to greater peace of mind.

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There are many schools of thought on how to write a successful direct-response ad, letter or brochure. Some say you need to be subtle, some say be harsh, some say be round-about, some say be direct. There is one technique, though, that is coming to the forefront as one of the most successful to employ.

Info-Loading is the style of overloading an advertsement with information about your product or service. The theory is, you give the customer more information than they'd ever want on your product/service, and they'll feel more confident about you and what you offer. Also, the customer that actually reads through it all is the one who's interested enough to buy what you offer. The good news is, it works!

Here's how to do it. Say you're planning a quarter-page display ad in a magazine. Instead of leaving a lot of white space, so it looks open, and instead of putting pictures in to catch the eye, fill the whole space with text! Load it with as much information as you can fit in, without making it unreadable. To prevent it from looking like a grey blur when the reader's eyes scan through the page, put a bold, black box around the ad, a bold headline, and emphasize important words and phrases with bold print.

You can do the same thing with a mailing. Put together a four-page sales letter loaded with copy, then add a brochure/flyer that re-emphasizes the important points in even greater detail. A few cautions with this technique. First, make sure you actually have something to say! We are so conditioned to being economical with our words in advertising that it'll be hard to info-load without feeling repetitious. Instead of rambling on about features, tell customers every single benefit they'll get from your product/service. BENEFIT is the important word.

Give Info-Loading a try. Depending on your audience and what you're trying to sell, you may find that info-loading can load more sales into your bank account!

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Pre-approved cards are the result of one bank who now has you as a customer, and sells your name to another bank or a series of banks so they can offer you their credit cards. Here's how it usually works:

Many smaller banks want to be credit card issuers but, because of limited facilities for credit card processing, it is sometimes difficult for a smaller bank to cash in on the credit card boom. What's been developed is an interconnect system where large banks will process credit card applications and issue the credit cards for the little banks.

For example, let's say that Mini Savings & Loan wants to get in on the Plastic Pursuit. However, Mini does not have the facility or the staff to process credit card applications and issue credit cards. What Mini has to do is contract the service with Maxi Bank. Since Maxi has several banks that they provide this service to, Mini Savings & Loan is just a welcome addition to their roster of client banks for whom they process and issue credit cards.

When you apply for a credit card at Mini Savings & Loan, your application is actually forwarded to Maxim Bank who runs a credit check and, granting you have good credit, issues you your choice of VISA or MasterCard with Mini Savings & Loan's name on it. However, since Maxi is the issuing bank and since it has your credit on their file, they can very well send you an application for their own credit card. They can also sell your name to their other client-banks who can offer you their credit cards on a pre-approved basis.

Another source that sells your name is the credit bureau. Because they can program their computers to search for names of existing credit card holders with clean and healthy files, they can provide issuing banks with a premium mailing list of people to whom the banks can send pre-approved credit card applications.

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The term "Reloctation Consultant" is an all-encompassing business that involves everything that has to do with transferring people. The task of a relocation consultant may include any or all of the following activities and services that generally come with moving to a new location:

+ Select a moving company.
+ Selling the old house .
+ Finding and buying a new home or renting a new apartment.
+ Suggesting schools, churches, etc.
+ Spouse job placement counseling

Of course you choose which services you want to include in your repertoire.
However, on a joint-effort with other professionals in your area, you can really offer an extensive menu of services, Relocation consultants do not own moving companies, They hire moving companies for and on behalf of the client. As a relocation consultant, you also deal with real estate agents, travel agencies, and career consultants. You control the middle ground where all these services merge to fulfill the needs of your client.

The most important issue in any relocation is where your client will reside in their new city or state. Some clients buy a home in the new city before they move. Others prefer to rent, giving themselves enough time to become familiar with the area before buying a house, Most relocation consultants receive their commission from the real estate agent. However, if your client wants to rent, as opposed to immediately buying a home, the company relocating your client will more than likely pick up the tab, usually equal to one month's rent. Some rental properties, however, will pay a relocation consultant a commission equal to one month's rent.

You can do a real volume business by targeting large corporate accounts. Companies in high-technology related products and services are the growth markets in relocation. Contracts for technical top-guns range 3 to 5 years, so you can expect excellent turn over in the high-tech industry. Concentrating on a specific
industry gives you credibility and lots of referrals.

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