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Publishing and distributing a mail order ad sheet can be very profitable. They're simple and easy to produce with most quick print shops able to handle the printing at economical costs. The important thing is that you can use them to pull in advertising dollars for yourself, as a free advertising media for your own products, and as an exchange medium with which to get greater exposure for your own ads.

Before starting an ad sheet, you should plan it all out - come up with a title, decide upon a masthead, lay out your columns for size, decide whether it's to be a simple 8 1/2 by 11 single sheet of paper of an 11 by 17 sheet of paper folded in half, and you'll also need to know your production costs for the number you intend to have printed, and the postage costs to send them out.

Most ad sheets start out as single sheets of paper, 8 1/2 by 11, printed on both sides. Usually, the front side is divided into 3 equal columns about 2 1/4 inches wide with a half inch margin from the edge of the paper on both side as well as the top and bottom. Assuming that the space occupied by your title, masthead and listing of rates for advertisers interested in placing an ad in your publication is two inches deep, this leaves you about 24 inches of advertising space to sell on this front side.

Figuring a cost of $50 for 1,000 copies of such an ad sheet, printed on both sides; a third class bulk rate postage cost of ў10.9; this means that your 24 inches of ad space will have to be sold at a price of $6.25 each in order for you to break even on your costs. This means you've got to sell all of the ad space on the front of your ad sheet at $6.25 per ad - and then expect to make your profits from the sale of the backside of your ad sheet. Generally speaking, it would be more feasible to charge $7.00 per inch for the space on the front-side of your ad sheet, and carry your own full page advertisement on the backside. At any rate, don't box yourself into a "loss" situation where you can't afford to place ads of your own ad sheet.

You get ads by making up an advertising solicitation sales letter and sending it out to as many mail order dealers as you can find. You can also run ads in other people's publications inviting the readers to check with you relative to placing an ad in your publication. And of course, you'll be wanting to work out some exchange advertising deals - another publisher runs your ad in his publication and you run his in yours.

You probably won't be able to fill up all of your available ad space with paid ads until you're well established - but no problem - first you fill your ad space with paid ads, and then you fill in the empty space with ads of your own. Some beginning advertisers fill a part of their empty space with complimentary ads for other mail order operators, send them a copy of the issue in which the complimentary ad appears, and invite them to continue the ad on a "paid" basis from there. Many of the will appreciate the favor and send you a check or money order to continue running the ad.

If you undertake the publication of an ad sheet, be sure to consider the possibilities of sending out 100 to 1,000 copies of your ad sheet to other mail order operators to rubber stamp their names/addresses as co-publishers and mail out for you. Thus, if you had 50 other mail order operators sending out 100 copies each of your ad sheet, you'd be talking about a circulation of 5,000 copies plus the number of copies you mail out. If you can get this kind of program going, you'll quickly build your reputation as well as your circulation, and at the bottom line, your profits.

Some ad sheet publishers, once they've established themselves and are putting out an impressive publication, set up distributor networks. Generally, they run ads calling for distributor/dealers and asking for a $5 to $10 registration fee. In reply to the registration application, they send out a letter explaining that each distributor can buy at half price, so many copes of each issue of the ad sheet, rubber stamp their own name on each copy, and send them out as their own. In return, the distributors usually get 50% of the incoming advertising orders, a half-price ad for themselves, and an opportunity to sell publications.

The bottom line relative to becoming a successful ad sheet publisher has to do with keeping your production costs - printing and mailing - as low as possible, while putting out a quality product that other people in the mail order business will want to advertise in - while at the same time using it as an advertising/selling vehicle for your own products. My advise is that almost everyone involved in mail order selling should have some sort of ad sheet - if for no other reason than as a means to an end - an advertising vehicle for your own products, an extra income from advertising revenues, and as an exchange media with which to gain greater exposure for your own products in other people's publications.

Once you've got an ad sheet, or any kind of publication set up and being seen by other mail order operators, you'll quickly gain stature and a certain amount of prestige. As with any business, your ultimate success depends on your own feasibility studies, and your "sharp-pencil" planning completed before you order your first issue printed. Think about it, weigh the pro's and con's, then go with your decision.

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Over six years ago I wrote TWO reports. I am still selling those reports for Ј1 a time and have since written many more reports which I am also making a good profit on. 'One Page Reports' are so good because they are so easy to produce and are easily sold at well over TEN TIMES the cost of producing them. They are also a good introduction to selling large and more expensive items. Another attraction that they have is that they can be packaged together and sold as a 'package deal' thus giving a choice of a single sale or many sales together.

It is difficult to make advertising pay when you spend even as little as Ј2 on an advert if you then only receive one reply. It isn't until you realise the FULL potential of the one reply that you realise just how profits are made in mail order. Say, for example, we sell one report for just three postage stamps to pay for the product, further sales brochures to include with the report and what remains goes towards further advertising. We mail the product and, hopefully, the customer is pleased with what he or she receives. They look at the brochure and , if it is good, order more items. However, THIS time they may spend Ј5, Ј10 or even much more.

Now, we only need ONE reply in five at Ј10 a time to cover the cost of advertising FIVE times. Then the second order can go on to produce a third, fourth and even more orders. Each one of those orders is profit. So you can see that although it doesn't at first seem as if you are making money from advertising, it can really lead to quite big money on a fairly regular basis. Bigger orders can come from reports also. A batch of 30 reports with Reproduction Rights for just Ј10 sounds very good. You can list out the reports and sell them in batches of four for Ј1.50 or all 30 for Ј10. This will give you some small sales and also some bigger ones. If you do the photo copying yourself, or can get it done for 5p a sheet, it will only cost a maximum of 20p for four reports. Your profit is Ј1.30 on one set of four or Ј8.50 on all 30. To save postage, you can copy them double sided onto A4 size 100gsm paper which is slightly thicker.

If you have the facilities, you can sell them even cheaper and STILL make as much profit. Just reduce them to A5, put four on a double sided A4 sheet and sell all 30 for about Ј7. You'll get more sales and approximately Ј6.50 profit on each sale. If you make up a brochure to sell them, be sure to list ALL the names of the reports. It looks quite impressive. Having the brochure properly typeset and printed is very well worth considering as it really is your 'silent salesman'.
Of course you don't have to write your own reports as there are already many on sale with Reproduction Rights. However, if you do write your own, you can keep the copyright yourself and, like me, sell it for years.

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Many people have had opportunities presented to them where quick cash was necessary. Most eople are unable to take advantage of the great opportunities because of a lack of cash. A simple procedure is available whereby you can generate quick cash within 24 hours. The process is easy and quick but requires that you first make the preparation and lay the groundwork for the plan. You can call this plan the banking round robin.

Go to ten banks and tell the loan officer at each that you want to borrow $1000 for 30 days. Upon paying off your loans, wait 30 days and go back to each bank from which you borrowed the original $1000. This time request a larger amount depending on what you think the bank will loan, say $5000. If each bank approves a $5000 loan you will be able to raise $50,000 the second time. Continue this step-by-step process. Each time you go to the bank, ask for a larger amount and a longer pay-back period.

What you are doing, of course, is establishing a millionaires credit rating by the process of repetition. That is, you always pay back the money when it is due, and by being prompt combined with the number of loans you've made and PAID, you will have established a very powerful credit rating and relationship with the institutions. In about one year after using this process, you should be able to borrow $20,000 from each bank on your signature. Using ten banks in this plan, you will be able to borrow up to $200,000 on your signature in as little as 24 hours.

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